Thursday, November 5, 2009

Everything Has To Have A Begining

Everything has to have a beginning. A starting point. So this is my new starting point. I have had to re-invent myself so many times that I now have to ask the questions; who am I, where am I, how did I get here and where will I be going next. Not having had a job or paycheck in over a year makes me wonder, will I ever have a steady, paying job again? Is seems to me that whenever I have had to re-invent myself, it was at the worst possible moment. But then again, is there ever a good time? So here we go again at...61.

By my own sense of adventure I always thought about writing stories of my life and events that took place. My life has never been dull and many things have happened. I tend to relate a lot of these stories at different times, to people who I happen to be with at the time. Once after telling one of my adventuristic exploits, my friend Frank approached me and said,

"You know, I was there when that happened, but it didn't seem to stand out in my life as much as it has in yours or was as funny as you relate it. But now that I hear you tell this story, it was pretty exciting and very funny".

I guess I look at situations in a different way than other people do. But for me to do that I have to be in the right frame of mind, relaxed and not stressed about what ever catastrophe I am going through at that time.

Last July I was in one of those stressed out states. As I mentioned before, I did not have a job and was facing challenges in finding one. Thank God, (and I say that not being a very religious person) for my wife Sarah. WW3 as I sarcastically call her, being as this is my third time married. Her response is, third time lucky, and she is right. She is my pillar of strength, my sounding block, my best supporter and my best friend, who ALWAYS looks at the the bright side of life.

What will follow is one of my adventures which I under took in August 2009. I took a trip to Canada to visit my family, look for employment, but most of all, to ride my motorcycle through the Quebec Laurentians where I had spent my summer vacations and in the winter snow skiing during my pre and early teens. Later in life I moved there for 2 years travelling back to work in Montreal every day. My Father also had a few homes up there and the region played a big part in my life.

As I started to write of my adventure, other stories popped up in my head, so you will have to allow my going off on tangents every once in a while. There are many stories to be told, and who knows, maybe this is the book in me that we are told we all have. As I go along I am feeling that there could be more than one book. We'll have to see.

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